“How To Earn A Passive Income Using A Proven Business Model That Does NOT Involve Any Recruiting, Forex, MLM or Selling Your Own Products…(newbie-friendly)

Are You Tired and Frustrated of Looking for a Way to Make Money Online? There is Hope…

Are you tired of living a mediocre life?

One where you are doing things that you have to do instead of doing things that you love to do – A life where you would love to spend more time with your family, travel to your heart’s content, or buy the best things that life has to offer.

Instead, you may be in a spot where you have to do the traditional 9-5 just to make ends meet, Maybe you love your job, or maybe the conditions are downright horrible.

Either way, you are looking for a legit way to make some serious money.

You know that you want a change.

Today I am going to introduce you to a teaching platform that has helped millions of people achieve this dream of becoming an online entrepreneur. And the best part is, you do not even need any experience to start.

Hi, my name is Roopesh.

This is my profile picture

I am a pharmacist turned online entrepreneur. You might be thinking, why such a crazy career change?

Stay with me, I will tell you my story shortly…

Just know for now that I have been in the world of online entrepreneurship for over 6 years!

I reviewed over 400 make-money online business opportunities. I have learned to tell the good business programs from the ones that you need to stay away from!

I am going to show you an online teaching business program that works!

It’s ethical, and there is owner integrity.

I bought it. I tested it.

But first, let me tell you how I got here!

There is a lot of Hype Online. It’s Like a Craze And Everyone Will Push You Into Buying Their Course or Program. They Will Use Fancy Words to Get Your Money…But Do They Have Your Best Interest At Heart?

In 2015, my hearing took a turn for the worse. I found it really tough to do my day job.

I needed a backup plan as I was the sole breadwinner.

They called my condition Tinnitus, a ringing or whistling noise in the ears. And since I only had one good ear serving me(as I was permanently deaf in my right ear), the condition became more stressful.

In fact, it came to a point where I could not handle full-time hours.

I turned to Google and social media channels in a bid to find a less-stressful alternative way to bring in money.

Something else also dawned on me at the time.

Whether I was a professional or not, I was still working a job, and the cold hard truth is that...I was replaceable.

If I could not do my job, I would have to leave. They would easily find my replacement in 30 days.

It was I, who would stand to lose out the most.

So, I am in this position of having no financial security, no control over how I can spend my TIME, and definitely no safety net that I could depend on…

Call it fate or just good timing, but just a few days before my birthday in August 2015, I signed up for a teaching platform that I read about on a review website.

It gave me hope and pushed me in the right direction. It taught me about a business model that made sense.

And even though I knew that I was not a technically minded person, I would give it my all.

Mind you, this online journey was a rocky road as well. I struggled for a good few years.

I got scammed online. I even invested in some really expensive courses that were endorsed by some TOP names and still got nowhere.

Eventually, I joined a digital marketing company. I put their training into practice and worked consistently with it. I finally came right.

The rest is history.

Here I am, talking to you.

And that brings me to introduce YOU to this business platform what business model they teach, and how it can benefit YOU!

“Legendary Marketer – Everything You Need To Become a Successful Online Entrepreneur

You might have heard of it or not. Maybe a friend told you that Wealthy Affiliate is a scam. Or maybe it’s a waste of your time.

The is the main legendary marketer picture

All I ask is that you let me show you 8 WAYS they can help to transform your life for the better.

If you don’t like what I am talking about, then you can close this page and go on and research other platforms that teach people how to make money online.

Have we got a deal?


Legendary is an online business training platform that is owned by David Sharpe. David started the company 13 years ago.

David believes that our school system is broken. It’s not designed to help us learn real business skills. Instead, its purpose is to groom us to become “employees” or “slaves” to the workforce.

During David’s school days, he was reprimanded, disciplined, and sent to detention for being creative and having “high energy.”

Turning to alcohol became his best friend. He dropped out of school and became a teenage dad.

FAST FORWARD: He worked with his dad in the construction business Today he is all clean and sober, and he created a successful company.

Legendary Marketer is also listed on Forbes INC5000 two years in a row, as a fast-growing company.

Legendary marketer on the INC5000

Here is a picture of David Sharpe.

Who is the founder of Legendary Markter, it is David Sharpe

Here’s what people are saying about the company

(Does Legendary Marketer Work? Take a look at how the Legendary Marketer training has impacted these people’s lives.)

There Wasn’t A School For Online Marketers… So We Made One” -David Sharpe, CEO and Founder of Legendary Marketer

What exactly does Legendary Marketer teach?

Answer: Affiliate Marketing + the three other core business models.

So all of these four business models that you can learn are :

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Selling your own digital products online
  • Launching Your Own Coaching and Consulting Course
  • Build your own Mastermind/Events

NOTE: I’ll be honest since I started my online journey with affiliate marketing, I used Legendary Marketer to learn more about this model. I did not venture into any of the other core business models…

Perhaps, these might resonate with you. Go ahead and give their 5-Day Business Challenge a try!

“Affiliate Marketing – the Proven Business Newbie Friendly Business Model”

It’s a fancy name.

But I can assure you…….it’s not a complex business model to understand.

Let me show you how it works.

How does affiliate marketing work
This is how affiliate marketing works

You simply promote other people’s products or services and for every sale that takes place, you earn a commission.

Think of it this way….you are the middle guy or lady. You bring the buyer and seller together, and you walk away with your cut.

Simple right?

Let’s say that you recommend to a family member, a good book that you’ve just completed reading or a movie that you enjoyed watching.

Wouldn’t it be cool, if you were to get paid for your recommendation?

Well, in the online world, you do get paid….and you can get paid some serious money.

“Affiliate Marketing is a Billion $$$$ Industry. It Will Not Stop Anytime Soon”

According to Statista.com, affiliate marketing is a billion dollar industry. it is expected to reach $8.2 billion in 2022.
According to Statista, affiliate marketing spending in the US alone is expected to be $8.2 billion in 2022

I wish that for every OTC product that I recommend or sell as a pharmacist, I would get a percentage thereof. Unfortunately, I only get paid a fixed salary.

Affiliate marketing levels the playing fields...it gives ANYONE willing to work at it, an opportunity to make GREAT returns.

It’s so popular that major brands such as Amazon, Airbnb, and Booking.com, all have their affiliate programs.

Amazon.com have their own affiliate program
Amazon.com have their own affiliate program
Airbnb have their own affiliate program
AirBNB and their affiliate program
Booking.com have their own affiliate program
Booking.com and their affiliate program

You as an affiliate marketer can join these affiliate programs for FREE!

Remember. the companies or the affiliate merchant or vendor only has to PAY YOU once you bring in a buying customer.

How can affiliate marketing help you?

What are the benefits of doing the affiliate marketing business model?

Glad that you asked.

Let me show you :

You don’t have to OWN YOUR OWN PRODUCTS
You can choose from THOUSANDS OF NICHES

You do not need any experience to start. (Look at me, I came from the health field as a pharmacist, and I now earn an income online). 

The introductory training at Legendary Marketer is $5!

You can  Get Started with this 5-Day Challenge Here.

Just to be clear: Affiliate marketing is a business model that might be EASY to understand. However, it’s not a ‘GET-RICH-QUICK’ way to make money. You still need to put in the time and effort, just like starting any REAL business.

Let me talk to you more about this 5-Day Challenge. Otherwise, if you are ready to get started, click on the link that follows:

“The Legendary Marketer 5-Day Challenge- Learn, Launch and LEAD”

The Legendary Marketer Learn Launch and Lead Challenge

The main purpose of the 5-Day Challenge is to pack a punch, delivering critical marketing insights over a shorter period, and giving you the REAL picture of what is working in today’s ever-changing world of online entrepreneurship.

These are 5 Days of DETAILED PACKED lessons that provide you with the simple yet powerful building blocks that are crucial in digital marketing.

Let me give you a quick summary:


  • THE CORE FOUR: Understand the four core areas of digital marketing that give you options.
  • INTRODUCTION TO FUNNELS: Understand what this process looks like as you implement what you learn with your first funnel!
  • NICHE SELECTION: Uncover what you love and how to begin to monetize it.
Day one of the Legendary Marketer 5-day Business Builder challenge


Day Two of the Legendary Marketer Business Challenge
  • Quick Launch Strategies: Learn how to quickly launch your business with a focus on content creation.
  • INTRODUCTION TO FACELESS MARKETING: You can get your first post up quickly without the added anxiety of going on camera.


Day three of the legendary marketer 5-day business builder challenge
  • We dive into detailed content creation where you’re the face of your brand.
  • We show you how to unlock the leader hidden within and arm you with a tool belt of content strategy and tips.


Day Four of the Legendary Markter 5 Day Business Challenge

Entrepreneurial Dynamics: Understand the mindset and dynamics of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

Day Five: Business Plan

Day Five of the Legendary Marketer 5 Day Business Plan

Craft Your Plan: Dave walks you through putting together a comprehensive business plan class, so you can continue to take focused, intentional action with your online business.


  • Bonus #1 – Top-Converting Funnel Templates
  • Bonus #2 – Bridge Page Video Script
  • Bonus #3 – Email Templates To Launch With
  • Bonus #4 – Facebook Ad Templates
  • Bonus #5 – Launch With Short Form Content
  • Bonus #6 – A Customized Business Plan
  • Bonus #7 – Personal 1-on-1 Advisor

“Ok But Why Only $5? What’s the Catch?”

Great question

I would be skeptical too.


You can take everything you’ve learned and received from this powerful training and launch your business on your own, OR explore other options that Legendary Offers to help coach and support you every step of the way!

You’ll discover, right inside the Challenge, all the various ways the Legendary team can support you through their advanced coaching programs and events… so you can develop your game plan for success and support all within the next 5 Days!

They have their Flagship Business Blueprints products. If you like what you learned in the 5-day challenge, then you can purchase one of the blueprints.

NOTE: There is an exclusive offer where you can buy all FOUR Business Blueprints for the PRICE OF ONE. But that is only available on Day 5 and for a very LIMITED TIME.

“Legendary Marketer Does Not Promise Quick Returns or Overnight Success”

Another highlight of the company is that they teach you online marketing strategies that work ANY NICHE.

I think that’s important to remember. Many courses out there want you to join, and earn from simply promoting their course ONLY!

With Legendary, you can promote ANY NICHE.

Their premium Decade in a Day…walks the Blueprints members through a case study of starting ANY NICHE from SCRATCH!

As for support, it’s TOPS as they answer your queries in record-breaking time(YEAP! I tested it out!!)

Did I mention that ALL of their products carry a 30-day refund policy?

Yes, even the $5 Business Challenge

How Can Your Life Change If You Join Legendary Marketer?

If you stick with the training, and implement what is taught by taking ACTION, then your life can change in one or more of the following ways :

(1) You Will High-Income Skills

Throughout my study to attain my degree, I did NOT learn any marketing or high-income earning skills.

I am talking about skills like lead generation, copywriting, sales, and presenting.

Instead, I only knew one thing. To be an employee, and that eventually capped my earning potential. With Legendary Marketer, you will have high-income skills that can and will make you more valuable in the marketplace.

(2) You Will Have a Plan for that RAINY Day

If you know what works in the online world, then you have a backup plan whenever a curve ball comes your way.

It can be a change in the economy, you lose your job, or your health takes a turn for the worse.

You have something to fall back on.

(3) You Own Your Time

With a successful online business, you have the opportunity to live the ‘laptop lifestyle.’ You work on your terms and set your schedule.

(4) You Have Location Freedom

You can work from anywhere you want as long as there is an internet connection. You get the opportunity to travel and explore new places whilst your business is running.

(5) You Connect With A Supportive Community

You will not feel alone. You can connect with other like-minded users, and share similar goals and experiences.

(6) You Achieve Business Scalability

Once you get one site or one YouTube channel earning for you, it’s simply a matter of duplicating the process. You can scale and grow and earn HIGHER PROFITS over time. This allows you the potential for long-term success and financial stability.

(7)You Build Diversified Income Streams

With all the WA training, you will be able to create multiple income streams through different online ventures. In this way, you reduce the risk of having to rely on a single source of income, like a day job!

(8) You Are Making A Difference and An Impact In Someone Else’s Life

Your business is going to help someone decide on whether or not they should purchase a particular product or service.

You are building a brand. You are making an influence.

You are positioning yourself as an expert within the niche. This opens doors to new opportunities for you to connect with other leaders and grow and make a positive difference in people’s lives.

The Legendary Marketer Success Stories

Without hesitation, I can tell you that Legendary Marketer is NOT a scam. That the training works!

Legendary Marketer Never Dissapoints

Here is more Legendary Marketer testimonials

We believe creating a new business or additional income stream doing something you feel passionate about is no longer a fantasy, but a reality.” – David Sharpe

Legendary Is a Great Educational Platform

Here is some more legenedary marketer testimonials

The only question left is ask is, “ARE YOU READY?”

Are you ready to LEARN, LAUNCH, and LEAD?

Take action, and give yourself the chance.

Do not look at this 10 years down the line and ask yourself, “How different would my life be if I just tried it?”

You took a step that can change your life for the better!


Your Friend



Want To Build a PROFITABLE Online Business(but don’t know where to start?)