How Does a Disability Affiliate Program Work-Affiliate Programs for The Disabled

How does a disability affiliate program work? Is it worth it to join affiliate programs for the disabled?

Hi there, if you asked those questions, then you are looking to start a career in the world of affiliate programs and affiliate marketing. Whether you are a disabled individual or not, this is an avenue that can help you to build a thriving online business.

Whether you want an extra source of income, escape your 9-5, or even tap into your entrepreneurial spirit, affiliate marketing can help you to get there.

And even though it might all sound a bit foreign to you right now, stick with me. Because by the time you have completed reading this post, you will know a lot about affiliate marketing and how a disability affiliate program works.

I will show you how to find affiliate programs for the disabled entrepreneur at heart. You will see how it works and how you can benefit from them.

I am also going to show you an awesome tool that can help you find other topics for your online business going forward.

But first, let’s talk about how affiliate marketing can help you build a business based on your passions, hobbies, or any particular interest that you may have.


Want To Build a PROFITABLE Online Business(but don’t know where to start?)

What Is Affiliate Marketing All About?

Affiliate marketing is a business model where you earn commissions by recommending company services or products.

Basically, you are the middle man or middle lady. You bring the buyer and the seller together. For every successful transaction that takes place, you earn a commission.

Take a look at the following diagram to see how affiliate marketing works.

What is Affiliate Marketing all about

The other benefit of an affiliate marketing business is that it’s not expensive to get started. It offers flexibility so that you can do it in your free time.

It does not involve recruiting. You can choose from thousands of niches(or target audience markets).

The other benefit is that you can reach a worldwide audience basically, anyone in the world in the world who has an internet connection and is within your niche can buy from you.

You can choose to do low-ticket or high-ticket affiliate marketing.

I think that one of the best parts of owning an online affiliate marketing business is that your business can earn for you around the clock. In other words, it’s a great source of passive income.

And there are a number of affiliate programs that you can join for free. And that’s what I am going to show you next.

My best recommendations are :

Affiliate Programs, Your Gateway To Earning Commissions

What is an affiliate program?

Basically, an affiliate program is where you, the affiliate marketer would partner up with a merchant/vendor or owner of the product or service that you are promoting.

They are the ones who will be paying you your commission.

How does an affiliate program work?

Most of the time affiliate programs are free to join. When you sign-up with an affiliate program you get a promotional link that you can use in all your marketing efforts.

So when someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, the company would know that it’s you they need to PAY OUT.

For instance, let’s take What is an affiliate program how does an affiliate program work

In the image above, you can see that I have created a custom affiliate link that I can use in my promotions.

This link that I am given would take my readers to Amazon’s best-selling toys page. And should anyone make a purchase, I would earn a commission.

Simple right?

I can use these tracking links on social media, within my YouTube videos, and even when I am doing e-mail marketing.

If you look at it, affiliate programs are a win-win situation for everybody. The company does not have to pay me only until I make a sale. So they score without having to do any marketing.

For me, I do not have to stock any products, I also do not have to worry about delivery of the products or worry about after-sales support. My job is to give my readers value and help them to make a buying decision and direct them to the seller.

And lastly, our customer is happy with ordering the product with confidence.

So, let’s dive deeper, and search for affiliate programs for the disabled.

Recommended Reading: Why Is Affiliate Marketing Booming In The 21st Century and Beyond!

How To Find The Best Affiliate Programs For The Disabled?

If you are a disabled individual looking to start affiliate marketing, then you need to choose the right affiliate programs.

So, let’s say that your niche or your target audience is helping other disabled people across the world. In this case, you have to find the best disability affiliate programs.

They need to have the following qualities.

  • Allows equal participation
  • Overcome barriers– the affiliate program must provide accessibility and allow you to market company products in a way where you can express your passions or talents without any restrictions
  • Provide a sense of caring and community support to show that the affiliates are important to them as much as the customers

Here are some disability affiliate programs that you can join.

(1) Mobility-

Mobility Aids specializes in a number of different products for aging parents, seniors looking for arthritis aids, or someone who has experienced a temporary or permanent disability

Affiliate Programs for the disabled. The Mobility aids disability affiliate program

They sell wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, canes, crutches, walking aids, and rollators. The cookie life for your affiliate link is 45 days.

So, even if someone were to visit the Mobility Aids website in 45 days, you would still get credited the commission.

(2) Social Security Disability Affiliate Program

The next disability affiliate program is from By joining this affiliate program, you can help disabled Americans with Social Security Disability.

Affiliate programs for the disabled. Social security disability affiliate programs

According to the website, Americans who are unable to work can claim up to $2600/month from Social Security. If you can help someone with a successful claim, you can earn a commission.

(3)URevolution Disability Program

URevolution is a woman-owned social enterprise. The mission of the company is to showcase stories of people living with a chronic illness or disability.

Affiliate programs for the disabled. The Urevolution disability program

They sell books, stationery, clothing, accessories, and gifts to increase disability awareness.

(4)Fun and Function Affiliate Program

You can a 10% commission on selling products from the Fun and Function website. They have a 90-day cookie lifetime.

Affiliate programs for the disabled. The fun and function affiliate program

The company was launched in 2005 by a pediatric occupational therapist, Aviva Weiss, and her husband Haskel.

They develop innovative tools and toys to help kids deal with their challenges and reach their full potential.

Here as an affiliate, you would be helping the kids out.

(5) Affiliate Program

NSEAI stands for National Special Education Advocacy Institute.

Affiliate programs for the disabled the NSEAI disability affiliate program

The organization aims to provide the best education for people with special needs. They provide courses for people who want to become advocates.

As an affiliate, you can earn commissions when someone buys either a bundle or a single edition of these courses.

Affiliate programs for the disabled. How much you can earn with the NSEAI affiliate program.

You earn a 20% commission, and they have a 30-day cookie lifetime. You can earn anywhere between $340 to $478 per referral.

This shows you the potential that is out there for the disability or special needs niche.

Apart from affiliate programs, you might be wondering what other topics can you include in your affiliate marketing business.

Let me show you.

How To Build Your Online Disability Affiliate Marketing Business?

I am going to show you a nifty tool called the ‘NICHE FINDER Tool.’ It’s an A.I. Tool that is exclusive to the Wealthy Affiliate training platform.

In fact, Wealthy Affiliate is the place where I started with online affiliate marketing. My first website was called DealwithTinnitus. As a result of my hearing loss, I suffered from Tinnitus and decided to help people living with this condition.

Wealthy Affiliate does have a free membership or you can read my detailed Wealthy Affiliate review here.

So here is what the niche finder tool looks like.

Affiliate programs for the disabled how to find more niches or topics to discuss

I went ahead and typed in “disability” in the search bar, and in the next screenshot, you will see all the available niches or audiences I could target.

I can elaborate on these searches even further. So I chose to learn more about hearing aids. I personally wear one by the way as a result of my hearing loss.

Take a look at the next screenshot.

Affiliate programs for the disabled. How to find hearing aid niches

And these are all the different types of hearing aids that I could talk about. All I have to do is dive deeper into each option and learn about the various models. I could then write review-based articles and join hearing aid affiliate programs.

That’s another way to make money. You basically will have “disability” as your main niche, but “hearing aids” could be your sub-niche. It’s more targeted.

Cool right?

How To Start Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can provide disabled individuals with a number of benefits.

It’s a business model that allows you flexibility. You can work on your time. If you have trouble commuting to work, then you have the option of working from home, and within your own schedule and hours.

One of the main benefits of affiliate marketing that is often overlooked is that it levels the playing field for everyone. The more time and effort you put into it, the more rewards or money you earn. Unlike a traditional job.

If you do not believe that you cannot achieve success, then check out my article on how folks attained success with their disabilities.

And if you are ready to get started, then I would recommend you give Wealthy Affiliate a chance. They have an online community that is there to help you from the moment you sign-up.

This is the Wealthy Affiliate Introduction Page
Click on the image to start your free Wealthy Affiliate membership

You have all the tools, and training under one roof. The training videos are subtitled, and that personally helped me a lot.

Go ahead and check out Wealthy Affiliate.

And yes, I am an affiliate for them. But I promise that if you join, it will be at no extra cost to you. It would help me to maintain this blog. So please use my affiliate links when joining them.

Thanks for reading my article.

I hope that you enjoyed reading about affiliate programs for the disabled and how the affiliate marketing business works.

What was your favorite disability program that we talked about?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards and Take Care


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