Is BetaTesting.Com a Scam Or Legit? [Get Paid To Test!]

Welcome to my review. Would you like to make money from testing apps, websites, or even physical products such as smart vacuums?

If that sounds exciting, then you might be thinking of becoming a Beta tester with the website.

Is a scam, or is it a legit way of making money online? Testing apps or website jobs are not opportunities where you can make a lot of money. Usually, they only call on you when you are needed.

Is that the case with, or is different? Let me show you how it works, and what the earning potential is, so that you can make an informed decision.


Want To Build a PROFITABLE Online Business(but don’t know where to start?)

What is Betatesting All About? is a platform that helps companies to get feedback about any of their products or services before launching them to the general public.

Companies can stand to lose millions if they release products or services that people do not want or will not buy.

So a better option would be to hire a service such as that connects them with real people that would provide them with honest feedback.

Companies or customers can select participants registered with to test any product they want.

As a Beta tester, you can join and earn money from testing these products or services.

According to the official website, they have around 350 000 testers within their community and represent 150 countries.

Recommended Reading: Is TesterUp a Scam? [$120 Per Game Test!]

How To Join

It’s free to join them. And the process to open an account is quick and easy.

There is a quick questionnaire that you need to complete. inside the betatesting membership area

Before you choose an assignment, they will always notify you of how long it would take. You can get survey jobs, apps, or websites to test or you may even get hardware products such as smart vacuums, TVs, and media devices to use.

As a Beta tester, you get the opportunity to work with startups or famous brand companies.

Some of the companies that has worked with include :

  • LEGO
  • SleepWAVE
  • Roku

They encourage you to fill in as much information as you can so that you can get more tailored jobs suited to your profile.

How Much Money Can You Make With BetaTesting.Com?

There is no set amount on how much money you can earn.

It depends on a number of factors. The amount of testing jobs or surveys that you get largely depends on how your profile is suited to the testing job.

If they are looking for someone from a certain country, or demographic, and you fit that match, then you are qualified for the job.

According to the official website, most of the Beta testers get between 0-5 opportunities a month!

You can increase your chances of getting more tests, by providing quality results in your previous testing jobs.

The amount that is assigned per task is decided upon by the client. Most of the tests take around 45-60 minutes to complete. And you can earn between $15-$30 per test.

Does Work? Are People Happy Using

Unfortunately, I could not find any user ratings on 3rd party sites. There are also no reviews on the official website.

However, I managed to get some feedback from both a company that was intending to hire the Betatesting services and from an actual Beta tester.

This was from the Reddit forum. review are people happy using

As you can see, the company charges a hefty fee to do research work for their clients.

In the above query, the client wanted to know if it was worth the price to hire On this particular thread, there was no one that could give a direct answer.

However, a beta tester who had been doing testing jobs for, had the following to say: review are people really happy with using

This beta tester was very happy working for He or she completed over 20 tests with the company. It also confirms that the quality of the participation as well as the demographic and tech data had a pivotal role in helping her to secure more testing jobs.

Do note though that the above incidents took place three years ago. It’s hard to say whether it’s the same with the company today, as there is not enough data to go on.

Pros Of

(1) Free registration

(2) No experience needed

Cons of

(1)No guarantee of testing jobs

(2) Maximum of 5 jobs per month

(3) Low earning potential

(4) Not a passive income-earning opportunity

Is Betatesting.Com a Scam? My Personal Opinion has been around since 2012. They are a legit company. Since 2012, many other online testing has come into existence.

TesterUp and UserInterviews are just some of them. Betatesting might not be a scam, but it’s also not a place where you can earn decent money online. I would recommend that you join as many testing companies if that’s what you are interested in doing.

Testing companies will only call on you when you are needed. As I showed you, with you are limited to five testing jobs a month, so the earning potential is low. They mentioned it on their website- it’s NOT a place where you can earn enough to quit your day job. review you cannot earn big money as a user tester

If you are looking at passing the time and earning a few dollars for your time, then perhaps you can try out

If on the other hand, you want to make your time and effort count, and have your money work for you, then Beta testing is not for you.

There are other ways where you can learn how to earn a passive income online.

How I Earn An Income Online

I transitioned from the health field to the online world.

I faced a major health challenge that affected my ability to do my day job as a pharmacist, and I had no choice but to find another way to bring in the money. You can read my story here.

It’s thanks to affiliate marketing that I can earn a passive income online.

With affiliate marketing, you do not have to focus on recruiting people at all. There is no cold-calling or having “tea parties” or having to do any door-to-door selling.

It’s a great business model for newbies. Even if you have no marketing or any technical experience with website building and so forth.

You have the freedom to build your business around a topic or niche that you enjoy talking about. And you are not restricted to marketing only ONE product or service.

It would my pleasure to show you more about how I made money with this business model since 2016. Let me show you how it can benefit YOU as well by clicking here.

Thanks so much for joining me on this Betatesting Review.

I hope that it has helped you out.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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