Is a blog the same thing as an article? There are a number of differences between the two. In today’s post, I am going to highlight these differences.
You will find that while there are differences between the two, you can incorporate both into your online business. I will explain more in detail in this post.
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Main Differences Between A Blog And An Article
Let’s first start by taking a look at what the definition of a blog is.
According to Wikipedia, a blog is “an informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts).”
These days anyone can start their very own blog website. I wrote a post on how much it actually costs to start a blog website.
Coming back to the above definition, the entries that are made into a blog are more in a “diary-style” fashion.
And if you were to take a look at my blog, you would notice that the posts are dated, from the latest all the way down to the earliest one.
Recommended Reading: Is Blogging Too Saturated?
A Blog Is Not As Formal As An Article
You might have also noticed that I am talking to you using a casual tone. With a blog, the writer can write as if he or she is talking to a friend.

It is different when it comes to an article. An article is written more for a magazine, a journal, or a newspaper. As such the writer’s tone would be “stricter” and to the point.
A Blog Will Be Optimized For SEO
Search Engine Optimization is the process of using techniques to help a blog page get well-ranked in Google and other search engines.
For instance, I use keyword research tools, and other strategies to try and get my blog posts ranked on the first page of Google. This would ultimately get me free organic traffic to my website.
With free traffic coming to my blog, I can monetize it in a number of ways.
An article, on the other hand, does not need to optimize for SEO. It will most likely be incorporated into a website like or, which already has authority on the internet.
Articles Are Usually Longer Than Blog Posts
Let’s use this very post that you are reading as an example.
The purpose of this post is to answer the question “is a blog an article?”
This particular post would be complete in 700 words or less. All I have to do is try to answer the question to the best of my ability.
An article can be much longer depending on the topic itself.
Personal Opinion VS Reporting
A blog post would be coming from someone’s website. They will include facts but at the same time, provide their opinion of the facts.
With an article, it’s more journalistic reporting. And most of the time, it’s written to bring the facts to the reader, and the reader has to make up their own decision.
Can An Blog Post Be Considered An Article?
Yes, it definitely can.
A blogger can structure his or her content like an article. They can include keywords, and at the same include all the facts and structure it like an article.
The completed piece can be sent to a news site, or the blogger can decide to keep it on his personal blog.
Conclusion – The Differences May Not Be Significant
The differences between a blog and an article, are not significant. At the end of the day, it depends on what you are trying to achieve.
Do you want to have a blog of your own?
If you want to talk about something that you are passionate about and earn money from your business down the road, then perhaps starting your blog is the way to go.
If you have journalistic talent and want to write for a news website, then you can focus on writing articles.
Which one do you feel like going for?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards and Take Care