CannaGlobe Review – Is A Virtual Dispensary Worth It?

Welcome to my Cannaglobe MLM Review. It sounds exciting to be able to own your very own virtual dispensary. A ‘dispensary’ selling hemp-derived products. If you are wondering whether selling hemp products is even worth it, then let me shed some light on how versatile this plant is.

The hemp plant dates back thousands of years. In fact, Hemp and its CBD (cannabidiol) have various uses. They can be used for general well-being, pain management, anxiety, and stress relief, used in skin care products and clothing, as well as formulated in pet products.

And Cannaglobe is one such company that sells products within some of the above categories. Therefore, you might be tempted to join the Cannaglobe company and make it a source of income, full-time or part-time.

So, you are here today to find out if this company is worth joining, or is Cannaglobe a scam. I am going to show you everything that you need to know, to make an informed decision on whether you should join Cannaglobe.


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What Is CannaGlobe All About?

Cannaglobe is a company that markets a collection of cannabis brands.

Apparently, the founders of Cannaglobe adopted a similar principle to what Jeff Bezos did to Amazon. Amazon ships products within countless categories to millions of people. Cannaglobe dropships cannabis products within different categories and brands to select countries.

They offer people the opportunity to build their own business built around these products.

As a Cannaglobe ‘virtual dispensary owner,’ you can sell or promote the brands. Or you can have your own brand featured on the Cannaglobe website and marketed to other users, including celebrities.

Cannaglobe review what is Cannaglobe all about

As a VDO, you would have a business ‘stocked with products” without the expenses that come with having a operating a traditional brick-and-mortar enterprise.

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Are People Happy Using The Cannaglobe Products?

There are no user testimonials on the official Cannaglobe website. There are also no reviews on 3rd party review sites such as

But there are members posting the Cannaglobe business opportunity on the official Cannaglobe Facebook group.

Cannaglobe review are people happy with using Cannaglobe

Someone within the group has been using the product for fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, sleep issues, anxiety, and depression.

Do Cannaglobe products really work?

That is hard to say. It might work for you, or it might not. It really does depend on how your body responds to it.

How Do You Make Money With Cannaglobe? The CannaGlobe Compensation Plan

There are two main ways in which you can earn money with the Cannaglobe company. You can join the company as an Independent Affiliate(IA), or you can become a Qualified Independent Virtual Dispensary Owner(QVDO).

What is the difference between an Independent Affiliate(IA), and a QVDO?

An independent affiliate means, that you are simply promoting the company’s product line. You are not going to be taking part in their compensation plan. You basically make money when someone makes a product purchase using your affiliate link or visits your replicated Cannaglobe website.

You earn 15% on all personal customer volume.

As an IA, you can purchase a Back Office website and marketing platform for $25 per month.

To make money as a Virtual Dispensary Owner(VDO), you have to sell $420 worth of Cannaglobe products, and you must personally enroll and maintain a minimum of 3 retail customers.

Just like the IA’s, you also have the option of purchasing a back office website, and marketing platform for $25.

Here is the breakdown of some of the bonuses you earn as a VDO.


Every time you the QVDO enroll another QVDO who sells $420 worth of products and enrolls 3 Retail Customers within his or her first 30 days, you earn an MCB of $100.


When you are promoted to Area VDO(AVDO), you get an additional Leadership Customer Bonus whenever anybody in your downline makes the target of selling $420 worth of products and enrolling 3 Retail customers.


Cannaglobe Review the Cannaglobe compensation plan

This is income that is calculated based on how consistent and regular your retail customers are within your business.

You can earn a passive income bonus if your retail customers make regular Cannaglobe purchases, and you focus on having the set amount of customers required for your rank level.


There are four main ranks within the Cannaglobe Compensation plan

They are as follows:

  • QVDO(Qualified Independent Virtual Dispensary Owner)
  • AVDO(Area Virtual Dispensary Owner)
  • RVDO(Regional Virtual Dispensary Owner)
  • NVDO(National Virtual Dispensary Owner)

To ascend to the higher ranks, you have to enroll more Retail Customers and enroll more members and motivate members within your downline to do the same.

Can You Make Money With Cannaglobe?

At the time of writing this review, there was no income disclosure statement. In other words, it’s hard to tell if anyone is making any money or has even ascended to the higher rank levels of the company.

Pros of Cannaglobe MLM

(1) They operate within a popular niche

Cons of Cannaglobe MLM

(1) Not a global business opportunity

(2) No income disclosure report

(3) No owner transparency

(4) No customer testimonials/no user ratings

(5)It’s expensive to start -($420 VDO, and $720 VDO PRO)

Cannaglobe review how much does it cost to join the Cannaglobe company

Red Flags of the Cannaglobe Business

Red Flag Nr.1: Using Famous Companies to Endorse Their Brand

They used various brand names such as Rolling Stone, Cnbc, and Forbes in their sales video. It’s misleading as it’s made in a way to show that these brands approve the company whilst in fact they actually acknowledge that the Cannabis market is surging.

Cannaglobe review these are red flags of the Cannaglobe business opportunity

Red Flag Nr.2: Not all products are sold everywhere or are legal

The company states that all of its products are compliant with the 2018 farm bill. That they are legal. It’s strange that they have a product called Micro.Dose(Amanita Muscaria), that is not legal in Louisana.

Cannaglobe review one of the red flags is that they claim all of their products are legal. yet one product called the Micro.dos is not legal in Louisana

Not only that but as you can see from the product label, it’s “NOT FOR CONSUMPTION.” Does that make any sense?

Red Flag. Nr.3: No Owner Transparency

Many MLMs such as Ziya Active and One Hope Wine, have some background info as to who the owner or founders of the company are.

According to Linkedin, the company was founded back in 2018.

Cannaglobe review no founder of Cannaglobe

It’s now 2023, and still no owner information.

Is Cannaglobe a Scam? My Personal Opinion

You can make money from selling a product. There is an option to earn without having to recruit. From this point of view, Cannaglobe is legit.

However, there is no owner transparency. The company does not have any user reviews and there is no income disclosure. Based on these findings, I would be hesitant to recommend this business opportunity to anyone.

And if you really want to join Cannaglobe, read the next section to see what it involves to become a success with them.

Is Cannaglobe the Right Business Opportunity for You?

Making money with Cannaglobe may not very easy.

Firstly, it is not a global business opportunity. You are restricted to operating your business within certain countries. If you are looking at building an online business that can have a worldwide audience, then learn how the affiliate marketing business model can help you.

Is it worth it to get into the CBD business?

The other challenge is that there are many companies out there capitalizing on the CBD industry. That means there is potential, but it also means that it might be hard to switch customers to the Cannaglobe brand if they are already using one that they trust.

Added to it, if you want to ascend the ranks, you have to get regular buying customers.

If you want to make it big with Cannaglobe, then you have to focus on recruiting and building a strong downline. A downline that is as motivated and hyped as you to do the same.

And unfortunately, this is why so many people fail to become a success with an MLM business. It’s not easy to have every member to work as hard as you every time. That made me think of another MLM company called LiveGood where you can make money without having to recruit anyone.

Anyway, that summarises the 3 main challenges that you might face if you are thinking of joining Cannaglobe.

If these issues do not bother you, then you can give it a go.

If on the other hand, you want to start an online business that does not involve any recruiting, is not expensive to start, and offers a worldwide reach, then register for my free training below.


Want To Build a PROFITABLE Online Business(but don’t know where to start?)

How I Earn An Income Online

I transitioned from the health field to the online world. I face a major health challenge that affected my ability to do my day job as a health professional, and I had no choice but to find another way to bring in the money. You can read my story here.

It’s thanks to affiliate marketing that I can earn a passive income online.

With affiliate marketing, you do not have to focus on recruiting people at all. There is no cold-calling or having “tea parties” or having to do any door-to-door selling.

It’s a great business model for newbies. Even if you have no marketing or any technical experience with website building and so forth.

You have the freedom to build your business around a topic or niche that you enjoy talking about. And you are not restricted to marketing only ONE product or service.

You can still tap into that 30.8 million fitness industry and earn without having to recruit ANYONE or sell your own product!

It would my pleasure to show you more about how I made money with this business model since 2016. Let me show you how it can benefit YOU as well by clicking here.

Thanks so much for joining me on this Cannaglobe review.

I hope that it has helped you out.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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