FullStaq Marketer Review -No Scam, Not For Everyone!

Hey there, welcome to this FullStaq Marketer review. This is a platform that’s all about teaching you how to start your own online business.

Choosing where to learn about this stuff can be tricky, right? I mean, who wants to waste their money on a course that doesn’t actually teach you what you need to know?

Imagine you’re in a big store, but instead of buying clothes or gadgets, you’re picking an online course.

It’s like that!

If you pick the wrong one, you’re not just losing money, you might lose hope in making money online altogether. But hold on – the internet world offers an amazing chance to build a business, so let’s really look into what FullStaq Marketer is all about. Is Keala Kanae’s Course overpriced? Is Fullstaq Marketer a scam?

We will find out soon enough.

Oh, by the way, if you’re curious about how to make money online with zero experience, and without spending a ton, check out my free 5-day business course. Just click the link that follows to get started!


Want To Build a PROFITABLE Online Business(but don’t know where to start?)

Who Is The Owner Of FullStaq Marketer?

Keala Kanae is the creator of Fullstaq Marketer.

Fullstaq marketer review who is the owner of fullstaq marketer

He’s been around the sales and marketing block for a while.

Back in 2000, he was the ‘Director of Sales and Marketing’ at Smile Entertainment. He’s had a journey through various companies and eventually, in 2015, he co-founded AWOL Academy.

That later became FullStaq Marketer.

It’s not just him – there’s a whole team of experienced people behind this.

What’s FullStaq Marketer All About?

FullStaqMarketer used to be AWOL Academy. These guys teach all sorts of things that help you become an online business pro.

Stuff like building sales funnels, using paid ads, and writing compelling copy.

Plus, they have coaches to guide you through this online journey. It helps to have a guide when you’re learning something new. Especially if you’re new to building an online business and you want to know how to earn a passive income online.

Is there a specific reason for the name change?

People say different things about why. Some say their old name made people think it was super easy to get rich online.

But no matter the name, one thing you’ll notice is they don’t make wild ‘get rich quick’ claims.

Fullstaq marketer review why fullstaq marketer is a not a scam is because they do not have any get rich quick claims

What exactly will you be learning as a Fullstaq Marketer member?

Let me show you.

What Does Fullstaq Marketer Teach You?

They teach you the business model called Affiliate Marketing.

This means you promote other companies’ products or services and earn money whenever a successful transaction takes place.

It’s like being the bridge between the buyer and the seller. This is a big deal – Affiliate Marketing is a $6.5 billion industry!

The diagram below shows you how affiliate marketing works.

What is Affiliate Marketing all about
Click on the image to get started for FREE

Recommended Reading: Why is Affiliate Marketing Booming in the 21st Century and Beyond!

Fullstaq Marketer Review – Breakdown of the Fullstaq Marketer Course

The Fullstaq Accelerator program offers a comprehensive foundation that sets you up for success as a Fullstaq Marketer.

This course equips you with the essential skills and knowledge to establish a powerful sales system from the ground up, regardless of the niche you’re targeting.

Fullstaq Marketer review breakdown of the fullstaq marketer course

Incorporating state-of-the-art training methods, the Fullstaq Accelerator empowers you to elevate your learning experience and achieve remarkable outcomes as an online marketer.

The program kicks off with a step-by-step proprietary process known as “Fullstaq 101,” which serves as your gateway into the realm of affiliate marketing.

This foundational knowledge is essential for thriving in the lucrative online marketing landscape.

Additionally, you gain access to a wealth of high-impact resources and a supportive community to help you achieve your objectives through the “Fullstaq Onboarding” training.

To ensure your success, the Fullstaq team provides tools designed to foster a growth mindset and eliminate limiting beliefs. This is delivered through an intensive personal development training module called “Fullstaq Edge.”

Wrapping up the program is the comprehensive “Funnel Labs” course. This module is dedicated to guiding you through the process of constructing, launching, and optimizing a profitable sales funnel.

By completing this holistic training, you will emerge fully qualified and equipped to build a high-converting sales system from scratch, regardless of your chosen niche.

In summary, the Fullstaq Accelerator program is an advanced training package that has the potential to accelerate your learning curve and enable you to reach your goals as a Fullstaq Marketer.

The Fullstaq Accelerator is organized into several sub-divisions:

Fullstaq 101

Fullstaq 101 is designed to provide you with the fundamental building blocks necessary to establish a strong foundation for your freelance digital marketing career.

Fullstaq Marketer fullstaq 101 this is what the fullstaq 101 is within the fullstaq marketer review

Fullstaq 101 equips you with the tools to navigate a clear path from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ within the marketing landscape.

Within this introductory course, you will engage in an in-depth survey and delve into a series of three informative training videos. By the conclusion of these materials, you will possess the essential components needed to initiate your business venture.

Fullstaq Onboarding

In this phase, you are welcomed into a supportive community consisting of fellow aspiring and experienced online entrepreneurs who share your aspirations.

Access to a community of like-minded individuals is a valuable asset as you commence this journey. (I always recommend starting your online journey by joining a community of like-minded folks like Wealthy Affiliate)

Through collaboration with your peers, you will discover how to effectively utilize a diverse range of resources to address pressing inquiries.

Ultimately, the reassurance that you are not navigating the online business realm alone becomes an empowering force, accelerating your progress toward your objectives

Fullstaq Edge

The Fullstaq Edge segment is where Keala Kanae introduces advanced mindset strategies employed by accomplished marketers.

Upon completion, you will have gained the knowledge to master your mindset, enabling you to overcome obstacles with confidence.

This course empowers you to unleash your most potent asset in your pursuit of becoming a top-tier online marketer: your self-belief.

CONVERSION LABS The CONVERSION LABS module is designed to teach you the art of transforming your website traffic into loyal paying customers.

This is achieved through the mastery of effective sales techniques, skillful lead tracking, and the impactful use of storytelling.

MASTER LABS In the MASTER LABS section, you’ll be guided in elevating your business to new heights of success.

Here, you’ll delve into the intricacies of crafting your own courses, along with discovering strategies and shortcuts that can help you ascend to the role of a thriving CEO.

What is the FullStaq Marketer Business Launch Challenge All About?

Fullstaq marketer review what is the business launch challenge all about

Keala introduces this challenge to individuals who are eager to initiate their own business venture but grapple with questions like, “Where do I even begin?”, “Which products are suitable for selling?”, “What type of business should I pursue?”, and similar inquiries.

He clarifies that this program is tailored for those who are at the starting point of establishing a business and not for those who already have an existing one.

It’s specifically designed to guide individuals in building a business from the ground up.

This challenge takes the form of interactive Zoom conference calls. These sessions span over two and a half days on the scheduled dates.

Keala emphasizes the importance of attending all the sessions in real time. These sessions are not recorded, and each one builds upon the preceding content. He underlines that the pace of the challenge won’t be adjusted for participants who miss parts of it.

Now, let’s delve into what participants receive through this challenge:

  • Done For You Products
  • Done For You Sales Funnels
  • Done for you Ads
  • Business Coaching
  • Expert Level Training

The cost for the business launch challenge is $39. If you do not get your business built, there is a double your money-back guarantee.

How Much Does The Fullstaq Marketer Costs?

FULLSTAQ Accelerator $997

FULLSTAQ Traffic Labs – $1.997

You also may need to purchase funnel builder software and pay for your ads campaign. It can all add up.

Are People Happy With the Fullstaq Marketer Course? Fullstaq Marketer Reviews

Feedback from the Better Business Bureau website reveals that there have been a total of 21 complaints lodged against the company.

One particular complaint stands out.

A woman detailed that she spent nearly $7,200 on purchasing course materials and packages. Initially, she enrolled in the $1,000 standard course.

Subsequently, as part of the training, she engaged in a business plan call with one of the team’s advisors. Allegedly, during this call, she was informed that the next course upgrade would come with a price tag of $10,000.

As per her account, this amount was eventually reduced to $5,800. Additionally, she acquired other course materials amounting to $100 and $300, respectively.

Unfortunately, she expressed a desire for a refund. Regrettably, her request fell outside the 14-day money-back guarantee window.

It is worth noting that the company did seem to take measures to address the situation and find a resolution.

A number of other complaints shared common themes:

  1. Requests for refunds.
  2. Difficulty accessing the member’s login area.
  3. Some customers felt that the marketing of the training was misleading.
  4. A few customers felt undue pressure from advisors to invest in higher-ticket products.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that the official website does feature several positive testimonials.

Is Fullstaq Marketer a legit?

Let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of this business program.

Pros of Fullstaq Marketer

(1) No rich get quick claims

(2) The program is designed to teach you about affiliate marketing. A legit and lucrative business model for one to learn

(3) There is owner transparency

(4) There is a refund policy

Cons of FullStaq Marketer

(1) No free trial

(2) It’s expensive

(3) You don’t have a lot of time for refunds(only 14-days to go through the course)

(4) Additional expenses like funnel building software

Is Fullstaq Marketer a Scam? My Personal Opinion

One appealing aspect of this training platform is its emphasis on preparing you mentally for your online journey.

Not all educational platforms offer this kind of guidance.

Another example of an affiliate marketing course that places a strong emphasis on mental strength is The Invincible Marketer, by Aaron Chen.

The main standout of Fullstaq Marketer is its focus on teaching you about affiliate marketing, a model with real potential for making money online.

However, it’s worth noting that affiliate marketing doesn’t solely rely on paid advertisements.

There are numerous FREE approaches, such as generating organic traffic through SEO, utilizing social media platforms like YouTube and Pinterest, and email marketing.

I have personally used all of these methods.

From my standpoint, starting with affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be a costly affair.

That being said, FullStaq Marketer is a legitimate training platform with transparency from its owner.

Nonetheless, I do believe that it might be a relatively expensive route to enter the online world.

Additionally, the short refund window (14 or 30 days) might not provide newbies with enough time to decide if the training aligns with their needs, especially considering the potentially significant initial investment.

How I Earn An Income Online

I transitioned from the health field to the online world.

I faced a major health challenge that affected my ability to do my day job as a pharmacist, and I had no choice but to find another way to bring in the money. You can read my story here.

It’s thanks to affiliate marketing that I can earn a passive income online.

With affiliate marketing, you do not have to focus on recruiting people at all. There is no cold-calling or having “tea parties” or having to do any door-to-door selling.

It’s a great business model for newbies. Even if you have no marketing or any technical experience with website building and so forth.

You have the freedom to build your business around a topic or niche that you enjoy talking about. And you are not restricted to marketing only ONE product or service.

It would be my pleasure to show you more about how I made money with this business model since 2016. Let me show you how it can benefit YOU as well by clicking here.

Thanks so much for joining me on this FullStaq Marketer Review.

I hope that this has helped you out.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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